Time changing shortcuts for efficiency
PDR mobile feedback
-Misc panel doesn't work
-Eliminate the "PDR, R&I, Repl, Subl, Compare" screen altogether. It's an extra step and a constant time sucker
-change the default dent size to quarters not dimes
-Allow adjustment of R&I time on the R&I list
-Stop that refresh delay that occurs after every single command!!!!!!!
-Allow me to assign tech within the vehicle estimate screen
-Set the revenue split to "net" as the default, not "gross"
-Show each PDR and R&I total on every individual panel on the panels screen. Then identify each panel with a label above each panel instead of down the center of the page
-On the vehicle screen, underneath those 9 icons, show a greater detail of the totals in that bottom half of the screen.
-When creating an invoice, allow me the option to choose if I even want to select/deselect panels rather than assume I'm going to select/deselect panels by default. It's a very rare occurrence that I need to leave panels off of an invoice.
-If there is not one already, allow the end user to backup the entire database of estimates in case there's a crash on the server
-Show RO#,Stock# and color on every car on the estimates screen